Cool Colors
Cool colorsCool colors are "passive" hues that elicit feelings of calmness, harmony, stability, and relaxation.... are “passive” hues that elicit feelings of calmness, harmony, stability, and relaxation. Cool colorsCool colors are "passive" hues that elicit feelings of calmness, harmony, stability, and relaxation.... are not overpowering and have a tendency to recede in space, creating the illusion that smaller areas are larger. Blue, green, and violet are examples of cool colorsCool colors are "passive" hues that elicit feelings of calmness, harmony, stability, and relaxation.....
Cool colorsCool colors are "passive" hues that elicit feelings of calmness, harmony, stability, and relaxation.... have shorter wavelengths than warm colorsWarm colors, such as red, orange, and yellow, are vivid or bold in nature, and they tend to pop to t... and therefore do not progress toward the eye.