TypographyTypography is the art and technique of arranging letters to make written language legible, readable ... is the art and technique of arranging letters to make written language legible, readable and visually appealing when displayed. TypographyTypography is the art and technique of arranging letters to make written language legible, readable ... involves selecting appropriate fonts or typefaces, point sizes, line heights, line-spacing (leadingLeading is the vertical space between lines of type. Leading is measured from the baseline of one li...), and letter-spacing (kerningKerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between individual letters or characters. Unlike tra...), as(Article Submission)
It is a process of submitting an article related to your website. well as(Article Submission)
It is a process of submitting an article related to your website. the overall style or mood to evoke the intended emotion(s).